
Information and Forms

Discover Adventure with us at the Fusion Adventure Based Learning facility at Forest Glen.

To get the most out of your time with us, there are some important things for you to know.

LEADER PARTICIPATION To ensure your group gets the most out of the experience, we recommend that your staff engage with the students as they participate and reflect. This is a great time to build your relationships with students. But also remember—you’re not there to do the work for them. Prior to your visit, we will discuss with you the goals you have for your time at Fusion, so that our facilitators can tailor a program to best suit the learning outcomes, dynamics and needs of your group.

SUPERVISION During periods before and after sessions and during meal breaks supervision of the students returns to your school staff. There will be a clear handover from our lead facilitator.

RISK Fusion Australia Ltd has $20 million public liability insurance, volunteer insurance, professional indemnity and workers compensation cover. Risk assessments and Certificate of Currency are available below. Other compliance documentation required is available upon request.

INDEMNITY FORMS Each participant is required to have completed a Fusion Australia Ltd Indemnity Form prior to participating. These are available for download below.

LEADERS’ QUALIFICATIONS Fusion’s facilitators all have a minimum of ‘Conduct Low Ropes Session’, ‘Conduct High Ropes Session’, ‘Vertical Rescue’ and First Aid. In addition, a number of our facilitators hold abseiling and caving qualifications. Our team is highly experienced in facilitation and working with young people.

All facilitators are accredited with a current Working with Children’s Check, and have signed the Fusion Australia Ltd Code of Conduct.

ALLERGIES Upon arrival at Forest Glen, the lead facilitator will check that we are fully informed of all health and medical issues relating to the group. Be aware that the Forest Glen property is home to Jack Jumper nests. We regularly monitor and will physically flag when an active nest is identified

CLOTHING Participants are required to wear closed-toe, fitted shoes for all activities. During summer months a hat and water bottle are essential, and in winter suitable warm clothes are to be worn. NOTE: No dresses, skirts or skorts are to be worn. Long hair is to be tied in a low ponytail.

BUS ACCESS Check with your bus company whether they are willing to drop students at the Ropes Course carpark. We can provide information about companies who will happily drive all the way into the course. Contact us for more details. 

NOTE: When students are dropped at the bottom of Gryces Road and required to walk to the facility, you lose valuable program time on the course.


WEATHER We want your group to have the best day possible. You will be outside, so if the weather is looking inclement, our team will be in contact before the day to talk through the options. If we agree not to proceed with the booking, there is no financial penalty and we will try to find another suitable date for you.

FIRE RISKS On a day of Extreme or higher Fire Danger with a fire behaviour index of above 70, all facilities at Forest Glen will be closed. Our team will be in contact with you before the day to discuss the options.

FEES Our aim to make Fusion Adventure Based Learning programs as accessible to schools and community organisations as possible. For this reason we quote on each booking individually.

CANCELLATION In the event that you need to cancel your booking less than 48 hours before your visit, you will be liable for the staffing costs associated.

Liability Release

We ask that the age-appropriate release is completed for each participant before the program starts and brought with you on the day.


We take your safety seriously by assessing risk to you, your group, our facilitators and Fusion.


Your participation and interaction within our facilities is included in our Public Liability Insurance.

Enquiry Form

Complete the form below and we’ll let you know availability and costs for your group. Once your booking is confirmed, we can start tailoring the program to meet your goals and challenge your group.

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